Monday 23 July 2007

Adobe Contribute Port Settings

Macromedia's Contribute is essentially an ftp program made to help users with limited knowledge of web design to make new and edit existing pages to their website.

Sounds Great?

Well for those of you who have had to make contribute for commercial environments and have encountered networks with a firewall - things aren't always straight forward. Lots of business networks are so secure - they prohibit contribute from accessing the internet at all.

This is very important to check out your clients network before building a contribute site.

Therefore You need to make sure the following ports are open on your clients pc/network;


To test this, I would recommend asking your client to download a copy of contribute from adobe and then ask them to connect to an ftp server test page which you have setup.

If you don't do this test, you run the risk of having to make a basic CMS very quickly for your client.

If you need a CMS very quickly and are reading this article, please feel free contact me - I have experience with having to make very quick, good CMS's for just this purpose!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, these port settings helped a lot!

justin said...

thanks for the port information. i'm not familiar with contribute and it's very helpful.